Staff Development

The school understands the importance of nurturing a competent teaching team and believes that it is an essential factor of a school’s effectiveness. Thus, a functional group, the Professional Development Unit, was established in 1997 to promote and facilitate teacher professional development.

Apart from three Teachers Development Days, other teacher development activities are also arranged during the preparation week and the two examination weeks each year.

The school adopts a holistic approach in daily operation aiming at both the whole school development and individual growth in carrying out teacher professional development activities.

The school organizes workshops, talks, seminars and visits to other schools for teachers. Besides, we also allow time for panel heads and committee heads to prepare tailor-made professional activities for their team members. Individual teachers are also encouraged and subsidized to take part in professional activities organized by different institutions.

The school strives to be a "learning organization", and so we encourage teachers to learn continuously and share among peers frequently. The school also publishes an education journal, Action Research Journal, annually to promote self-reflection and innovative teaching.

The school encourages teachers to conduct Classroom Action Research and we have a culture of collaborative lesson preparation and peer observation. We also develop a mentoring scheme to help young teachers grow personally and professionally.

To widen teachers' perspectives, the school has developed close relationships with other schools both in the Mainland and overseas. We now have sister schools in the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Fukien, Ningpo and Shenzhen. Our teachers exchange experience with teachers of these sister schools frequently.

In 2006, our school was invited to participate in a scheme organized by the UNESCO promoting teacher professional development. Our school is the only associated school in Hong Kong under this scheme.